If you’d like to speak about a future project, a potential collaboration or just to say ‘hi!’ then drop us an email.
Drone Racing League World Championship // Brand Package
We saw DRL’s vision and have worked with them since the early days of their first YouTube season in 2016. It took under a year to introduce a new format to the world and they have since become labeled ’the sport of the future’. Currently they have multiple leagues airing globally across live events and esports. Their most recent NBC premiere had 6 million viewers.
The creative work undertaken often had no existing frame of reference for many of the concepts, which meant reserving judgement and following instincts. At each stage it has required a close collaboration with the core team to envision concepts that don’t exist yet.
The design systems created have now forged the blueprint for the sport of drone racing across the globe.

"Dazzle Ship's unparalleled craft, attention to detail, and ability to understand the innovation behind our brand played an integral part in the success of the broadcast package and elevated DRL as an unprecedented viewing experience"


Title Sequence
"Building upon the success of the inaugural season, DRL collaborated with Dazzle Ship to design a world class ecosystem and deliver the sport of the future to audiences of today."


Level Identities

Brand Expansions

Branding the Racer 3

"By partnering with Dazzle Ship, DRL launched the second season to become the premiere leader in professional Drone Racing. Building upon the success of the inaugural season"